Friday, February 23, 2007

Radiation Is Done - Sorry I've been Gone!

Okay - let me begin by apologizing for my absence these last two months! Radiation is completely finished, but it was very time-consuming and energy draining! I went every day (except I got weekends off for good behavior) and it was so tiring, that most days I came home from work and just crashed. Still no excuse for not sharing.

I am completely done with treatment, have been on my hormone therapy for one month now, and am beginning to feel normal again! I am back to most of my "normal" routine including full work schedule, working out, running 90 miles per hour, and giving Rick and everyone else a run for their money. Of course, normal will never be normal again. And I'm thankful for that. God has revealed so much to me during this time, and he has prepared me for a new direction in my ministry and my life.

Life is good - God is amazing. And I am so, so thankful for all of you. For your care, your patience, and your love. And I'm really thankful that I have some hair of my own now (that insurance didn't buy for me!)

Here's a picture taken last night at beautiful Danielle's induction into the National Honor Society. She is an amazing gift. As we move into the time of Lent, I pray that you will find time every day to be quiet and to LISTEN to what God is trying to say to you. Don't be like me and wait until he has to SHOUT! :)